SHCF Trustees are responsible for ensuring that those benefiting from, or working with SHCF, are not harmed in any way through contact with it. They have a legal duty to act prudently and must take all reasonable steps within their power to ensure that this does not happen. Where the terms ‘young person’ or ‘young people’ are used this must be read to include children and vulnerable adults. Safeguarding is a term, which is broader than ‘young person protection’ and relates to the actions taken to promote the welfare of young people and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Safeguarding is defined as:- protecting young people from maltreatment
- preventing impairment of young people’s health and development
- ensuring that young people grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and
- taking action to enable all young people to have the best outcomes
Our Guiding Principles
We believe that:
- All young people have fundamental rights as individuals that entitle them to dignity and respect and that these rights include an absolute right to protection from harm by others.
- The welfare of each young person that we are in contact with is the paramount consideration of our organisation and will be reflected in all our actions, policies and activities.
- No young person or group of young people must be treated any less favourably than others in being able to access services, which meet their particular needs
- All young people without exception have the right to protection from abuse regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs
To that end:
- This statement is mandatory for all volunteers working for SHCF
- It has been approved and endorsed by the SHCF TRUSTEES
- It will be reviewed every year or whenever there is a major change in the organisation or in relevant legislation. .
- We will work in partnership with others – including parents and carers, other agencies and the wider community – in order to protect the rights and principles enshrined in laws and in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Young person.
- In carrying out this policy we will in all cases ensure that our actions comply with the relevant inter-agency young person protection procedures set out by the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Safeguarding Young people Board (LSCB) and in the South West Young person Protection Procedures (SWCPP).
Good practice
The safe culture of an organisation providing activities or services for young people depends to a great extent on the quality and integrity of its staff and volunteers; they must ensure that they conduct DBS checks on all practioners and volunteers working with young people.
Induction: All new volunteers must be made aware of our policy and procedures for the protection of young people at the earliest opportunity.
Handling a disclosure
It is possible that a young person who is or has suffered abuse will confide in you. This is something you should be prepared for and must handle carefully. The following action should be taken if there are concerns of abuse of a young person, or vulnerable adult. Please remember that our main concern MUST be the young person; all decisions should reflect this fact.
- Remain calm and in control but don’t delay acting
- Listen carefully to what is said. Allow the person to tell you at his or her own pace and ask questions only for clarification. Don’t ask questions that suggest a particular answer
- Use the first opportunity you have to say that you will need to share the information with others. Make it clear that you will only tell the people who need to know and who should be able to help
- Reassure the young person that ‘they did the right thing’ in telling someone
- Discuss with the young person what you are going to do next – it may be helpful to agree an aim/(s) between the person making a disclosure and the worker (i.e. for the abuse to end and then discuss strategies for achieving that).
- As soon as possible after the disclosing conversation, make a note of what was said, using the young person’s own words. Note the date, time, any names that were involved or mentioned, who you gave the information to. Make sure you sign and date your record.
In confidence, make the designated safeguarding officer or other appropriate colleague aware of the situation.
Young person remains central to this process and they should be kept informed at all stages of actions taken.
Cornwall Council’s safeguarding contact information
“Making a safeguarding referral If there is an immediate safeguarding issue that concerns you, don’t wait to get your procedures in place. Instead, follow the route described below. Safeguarding adults In Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly a safeguarding adults referral is called a safeguarding adults alert. You can make an online referral via the portal on our website: make an online safeguarding referral If you wish to speak to someone in Adult Social Care please call 0300 1234 131. You will be put through to the Access Team who will listen to what you have to say and will ask you questions so they fully understand the concerns you are raising. When the offices are closed you can call 01208 251300 for emergencies only. Safeguarding children If you wish to report an incidence of abuse or neglect, please contact the central referral unit on 0300 123 1116 or email Outside normal working hours there is an out of hours service available to ensure that urgent situations are responded to appropriately. The out of hours service runs from Monday to Thursday 5.15pm (4.45pm on Fridays) until 8:45am weekdays and for 24 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. Please call 01208 251300.”
The designated Safeguarding Officer for Sue Hooper Charitable Foundation (SHCF) is:
Sue Hooper MBE (chairman)
1 Down Close,
PL12 4PZ
Tel: 01752 843073
Mobile 07757556478
Policy revised August 23rd 2024
Policy review annually and due again August 23rd 2025